Chapter nine

Tutorial sheets

Chapter four: Classical Control Analysis Techniques

These tutorials are on the theme of linear feedback control, for example with G(s) representing a system, M(s) a compensator and d an input disturbance signal:

Core skills are things such as:

  • How do I analyse the expected behaviour of the closed-loop?

  • How do I use analysis tools to facilitate control design?

  • Are there classical controller structures which are simple and easy to use?

Here the focus is on root-loci and frequency response tools alongside lead and lag compensators.

The tutorials are a combination of PDF files, with brief worked solutions and video talk through tutorials showing detailed problem solving procedures.


1. Root locus

Frequency Response

Tutorial sheet (PDF, 703KB)

Tutorial (PDF, 524KB) and video on frequency response

Bode Diagrams

Nyquist Diagrams

Tutorial sheet (PDF, 493KB) with supporting video

Tutorial sheet (PDF, 452KB) with supporting video

Tutorial sheet one (PDF, 632KB)

Tutorial sheet two (PDF, 505KB)

Gain and phase margins